Summer Dance Camps and Programs in Arlington, MA

Summer dance camp is a fun way for dancers to stay active and engaged during the summer months while learning new skills and meeting other dancers in their age group.

Camp allows new dancers to test out our studio and to see which type of dance they want to pursue and allows more experienced dancers to try new styles that they may not have tried yet.

  • Youth & Teen Strength & Injury Prevention

    The class will provide a full body workout that is both intense and low impact specific for dancers.  The focus of this class is injury prevention; by finding balance to their body, build core strenth, improve muscular strength, and increase flexibility.

    Instructor: Caile Hanlon


    July -August



    Dress Code

    fitted work out clothing –  no shoes


    Session: $
    Drop-in: $21

  • Ballet Technique and Combo Class

    Ballet Technique: Designed to enhance body alignment, flexibility, focus, and vocabulary; students will be introduced to the basic positions, turns, and jumps through barre and centre work.  Ballet experience required.
    Combo Class:  A 45 or one hour class focuses on different genres to improve dancer’s versatility.  Each week dance style and teacher will change.  Ballet Technique class is required.




    July -August

    Day & Time

    Age 9-13 Combo Class
    Age 9-13 Ballet Technique

    Ages 14+ Intermediate/Advanced Level Combo Class
    Age 14+ Ballet Technique


    Ages 9-13

    Combo Class: Session $60
    Drop-in $12

    Ballet Technique: Session $110
    Drop-in $19

    Ages 14+

    Combo Class: Session $90
    Drop-in: $17

    Ballet Technique Session $120
    Drop-in  $21

    Dress Code – ballet technique

    split sole ballet slippers (pink)

    leotard and caramel or pink tights

    skirt or shorts (optional)

    hair: Bun

    Dress Code – combo class

    modern/contemporary, & jazz – bare feet

    hip hop – designated sneaker

    tap – any style tap shoes

    hair – ponytail